santa barbara city college department of music presents

 Quire of Voyces

The most elegant choral ensemble sound
– Santa Barbara Independent

Quire of Voyces Spring 2024

Photo by Clint Weisman

Auditions will be held for new voices to join this premier a cappella group in Santa Barbara on August 27, 2018 at 7pm. Please contact Artistic Director Nathan Kreitzer

Enter our Pentatonix Giveaway Banner Ticket Giveaway! Click here to enter.


Don’t miss this season’s Quire concerts. Get your tickets now!


Check out our growing discography, which now includes two Christmas CDs that make great gifts.

Join our Guild

Be part of a wonderful community of music lovers who help the chorus achieve its goals!


Your financial support allows the Quire to continue bringing the best in a cappella music to our community.